It is that time of year when we are all gearing up for spring shows. Something I see at every show I do, is at least 1 booth that is completely flat. All the items are laying on the table. If you find your booth looks something like that, do something about it! Displays in the making are everywhere, you just need to look in the right way. For us it was finding pear crates. I have seen people use trees to hang merchandise on, crates, I have some beautiful boxes from Victoria secret that I haven't incorporated yet. Be creative and dry your customers eye. Even if you find something less than perfect, you can always spruce it up with a fabric or paper overlay. When I am out at shows this year I am going to try to get shots of great displays to share with all of you. So, get inspired, and get out there and have a great show!
Great advice! Here's another tip that works especially well for displaying jewelry: use a styrofoam cooler. Cover it with a pretty cloth and use colored pearl-headed stick pins to anchor necklaces, bracelets, earrings, etc. in place. You can also use the cooler to transport your inventory. Happy selling!
Lovely tip! Your booth looks great.
I really like that one too!
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